We Did It!

I'm delighted to be joining Cheryl Kagan, Kumar Barve, and Jim Gilchrist as part of the state legislative team for District 17. Thank you to the residents of Gaithersburg and Rockville for the opportunity to serve!

I'm ready to hit the ground running. My legislative aide will be Cameron Rhode, who is a resident of Gaithersburg, a freshly minted biologist, a longtime participant of local politics, and fluent in Spanish. I also prepping my first bills for introduction come January, including bills to improve transportation safety, make childcare facilities safer, and increase transparency on lethal use of force by police.

This new opportunity means that I'll be leaving the Rockville City Council, but I plan to stay on the Council until I'm sworn in as a Delegate in the second week of January.  The timing of my departure means that my seat will be filled by an appointment process.  (I can hear the collective groans, but hear me out.)   According to the City Charter, a majority of the "remaining" members of the body need to vote in the affirmative for my replacement (i.e. three votes).  I won't get to vote on my replacement and the Mayor does not get to appoint the person.  I've authored code changes that would ensure that this process is open, transparent, and fair.  These amendments are currently working their way through the public process.  An official announcement will be issued by the City soon with more details about the application process.

And last but not least, I want to thank Delegate Andrew Platt for his service over the past four years.  He was a leader of the inaugural class of progressive delegates, a group whose work will continue in the coming years.

Thank you again for this opportunity!